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January so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: MartinF

Worst Wipeout Award 2003

Member#: 72
Registered: 28-10-2002
Diary Entries: 184

Mood: needing time out
6th January 2008
Mt. Biking: Swinley Forest, Bracknell
Wind Direction:
Wind Stength:
Surf / Sea State:
Air Temperature: 1 - 6 C
Sea Temperature:
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Well, what a difference to the usual trail centres. The whole of the forest seems to be littered with trails. And trails very different from anything I've done before. From rocky firetrack to muddy, then well-drained singletrack to sandy trails and loamy areas.

I seem to remember quite a few muddy bits. In fact - I remember remarking upon the ability of the gloop to remain gloopy, whilst all around was frosty and firm.

But it was a great ride, and, in truth, the mud really wasn't that bad, and pales into insignificance when compared to Real Ale Wobble standards of mud.

And - whilst the area is relatively flat - there seem to be any number of climbs that push the limits of strength & fitness. My GPS tells we we climbed a total of 434m, For comparison, White's Level has about 527m of climbing.

What it lacks in vertical height, it gains in some very technical, rooty, and sometimes steep bits. With just miles of swoopy singletrack. Excellent.

My array of instrumentation advises me that I did:
22km total distance,
in 2hrs of pedalling (3hrs 15mins elapsed),
at an avg speed of 10.8km/h and max of 46km/h,
burning 2588 calories.

Toys Used:
Scott Genius MC10 Med



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